An interestin trip


Today I'm going to talk about an interesting trip. Last summer I went to the south with my best friend Koka. This was in the summer ‘23. I go with her dad and her sister fran who united her boyfriend, so we are 5 persons, we go to a her family house in Rio Bueno, it was a really fun trip, we were around the Rio Bueno. We go to Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Osorno and Frutillar is was my favorite, is so beautiful place we didn't stay that long because it started to rain, so i don't see too much, also i buy a alfajor there and it was really good.

some days we just went to the river near the house, this river had fool's gold it looked beautiful in the water.And always in the afternoons we take our coffee time (we love coffee).

We don't see each other very often during the year since we are busy with college, so being together for a week made me very happy.

Bye <3


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