Last blog ;(


This is my last blogg. I will talk about how this semester went. Well, after all this was a good semester but it was the most difficult one. And the most happy too. I learn a lot this semester but also I feel like everything happens so fast. I didn't sleep a lot and I want a holiday to recover. I think english was my favorite class, especially write bloggs. I have a lot of things to do and it was stressful but something good is I have my friends supporting me. It sounds so cheesy but without them this is not going to be so fun and bearable how it was <3. We have so many fun moments and they make my day.

I work for the first time with tools and wood. I'm really good at it.

I hope the next semester will be better than this one, and maybe next semester I will be more organized and do my things with more time. This is for mental health too, i always let things go until the last moment. But i'm so ready to finish classes this year, i want to rest and watch movies/series.

That is all bloggers have a nice christmas and New year 🎄🎇



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